1. Homogeneously Dispersed Ceria Nanocatalyst Stabilized with Ordered Mesoporous Alumina
Yuan, Q.; Duan, H. H.; Li, L. L.; Li, Z. X.; Duan, W. T.; Zhang, L. S.; Song, W. G.; Yan, C. H.*
Adv Mater 2010, 22 (13), 1475-1478.
DOI: 10.1002/adma.200904223
Homogeneously dispersed ceria nanocatalyst can be synthesized and stabilized with ordered mesoporous alumina by a one-step sol–gel method. This novel material possesses high thermal stability and exhibits 100% conversion at room temperature for CO oxidation when loaded with Au. This established approach can be expanded to the controlled synthesis and stabilization of other nanocatalysts with wide applications.